“How might a digital solution integrate and automate financial services to enable people to manage their money more effectively and improve their financial wellbeing.”
MyDosh started as a project for a Masters of Technological Futures at Tech Futures Lab.
The aim was to use emerging disruptive technology in order to make a positive human impact, and that got me thinking.
I wondered if there was an easier way to manage personal finances – because of Covid-19 many people were financially suffering, surely there could be an easy way to automate finances so that an emergency fund could be built up (for example) simply and easily…
November 2019. Masters in Technological Futures immersion phase started. Exposure to many emerging technologies and fields
May 2020. Lots of problems to try and solve, but one made the cut…. how can improved financial wellbeing be enabled using emerging disruptive technology (EDT). The research involves a literature review, surveys, interviews, focus groups…
November 2020. The real work begins, MVP features identified from the surveys, interviews and focus groups. Work starts on the wireframes, user stories, and the high-resolution interactive prototype.
April 2021. Submit report and present, identify costs and secure funding for the build…. MyDosh is coming, don’t forget to register your interest and stay informed on progress.