Set a Savings Target
A savings target is a great way to save for the things that you want, whether that be a new car, a holiday away or even a deposit for a home.
Active saving has found to be a contributing factor in financial wellbeing. Saving is not only good for you, it’s a great way to achieve your life goals.
It shouldn’t be too easy to access your savings – otherwise you’ll be tempted to spend it on things other than your goal.
When creating a savings target, pick an account designed for saving or investments e.g. Sharesies, Dedicated Savings Account or a Simplicity Fund.
MyDosh will display your progress – the needle and percentage show your progress toward the target amount.
Tip: You could create a robot to put any excess from your emergency fund into your savings account.
How to use this feature
- Step 1:
- Select add goal
- Step 2:
- Set a target amount
- Step 3:
- Designate an account
- Step 4:
- Confirm goal
- Step 5:
- Create a robot automation