Add Goal
Savings Target 1
Savings Target 2

Set a Savings Target

A savings target is a great way to save for the things that you want, whether that be a new car, a holiday away or even a deposit for a home.

Active saving has found to be a contributing factor in financial wellbeing. Saving is not only good for you, it’s a great way to achieve your life goals.

It shouldn’t be too easy to access your savings – otherwise you’ll be tempted to spend it on things other than your goal.

When creating a savings target, pick an account designed for saving or investments e.g. Sharesies, Dedicated Savings Account or a Simplicity Fund.

MyDosh will display your progress – the needle and percentage show your progress toward the target amount.

Tip: You could create a robot to put any excess from your emergency fund into your savings account.

How to use this feature

Step 1:
Select add goal
Step 2:
Set a target amount
Step 3:
Designate an account
Step 4:
Confirm goal
Step 5:
Create a robot automation

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    As a pioneer in enabling financial wellbeing, MyDosh is committed to using emerging disruptive technology for personal finance. Integrating, automating and simplifying finances is what MyDosh does.

    Simplify your finances, simplify your life.


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      As a pioneer in enabling financial wellbeing, MyDosh is committed to using emerging disruptive technology for personal finance. Integrating, automating and simplifying finances is what MyDosh does.

      Simplify your finances, simplify your life.

      Copyright MYDOSH 2021 All rights reserved.