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Create a Deposit Automation

A deposit robot waits for a deposit meeting the conditions, then an action is performed.

When your income is deposited – transfer some money to one of our accounts.

Transferring a percentage of your income is a great way to save if you get paid irregular amounts.

Link your robot to a goal – nominate an account to monitor, and select ‘Deposit’ as the Robot type.

You can set an amount over which the robot will look for – you can also set a transaction description to watch out for – e.g. Salary.

Then either transfer a fixed amount or a percentage of the deposit to transfer to your nominated account.

Tip: The percentage option works a bit like Kiwisaver – every payday a percentage is transferred.

How to use this feature

Step 1:
Link your goal
Step 2:
Select an account to monitor
Step 3:
Set an 'amount over' to watch for
Step 4:
Optionally set a keyword
Step 5:
Transfer an amount or percentage
Step 6:
Select a destination account

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    As a pioneer in enabling financial wellbeing, MyDosh is committed to using emerging disruptive technology for personal finance. Integrating, automating and simplifying finances is what MyDosh does.

    Simplify your finances, simplify your life.


    If you wish to receive the latest news in your email inbox, just subscribe to the newsletter. I won’t spam you, promise!


      As a pioneer in enabling financial wellbeing, MyDosh is committed to using emerging disruptive technology for personal finance. Integrating, automating and simplifying finances is what MyDosh does.

      Simplify your finances, simplify your life.

      Copyright MYDOSH 2021 All rights reserved.