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Add an Account

Adding an account to MyDosh is simple, secure and private.

Connections to financial institutions are made possible by Akahu – our open banking integration specialists.

Connecting accounts from different banks is very powerful

Access to your accounts is secure and private. MyDosh can’t see your data – only you can.

Tip: After adding an account, you can give the account a name that makes sense to you.

How to use this feature

Step 1:
Add Account
Step 2:
Follow the Akahu process
Step 3:
Authenticate with your bank
Step 4:
Select account
Step 5:
Name your account

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    As a pioneer in enabling financial wellbeing, MyDosh is committed to using emerging disruptive technology for personal finance. Integrating, automating and simplifying finances is what MyDosh does.

    Simplify your finances, simplify your life.


    If you wish to receive the latest news in your email inbox, just subscribe to the newsletter. I won’t spam you, promise!


      As a pioneer in enabling financial wellbeing, MyDosh is committed to using emerging disruptive technology for personal finance. Integrating, automating and simplifying finances is what MyDosh does.

      Simplify your finances, simplify your life.

      Copyright MYDOSH 2021 All rights reserved.